Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day Seven

Day seven was a side trip to Pisa and Lucca. Not really a lot more to see in Pisa other than the leaning tower.

Of course when you go to Pisa you always have to take a cheesy picture of someone holding up or kicking over the tower. I decided to do the kicking over picture. I might should change the title of this blog to "The dork traveler." Look at that goofy picture.What they don't tell you about Pisa is that the baptistery on the other side of the church from the tower also leans. This amazing structure was build with such brilliant acoustics that it will resonate a note for 10 seconds. Each hour the guard demonstrates this amazing resonance by singing three notes that sustain so long that they form a cord. This is inside the church in Pisa.

The wall around the city of Lucca. This is a medieval walled city in the heart of the Tuscan valley.

A very small beautiful city that was at one point given by Nepolean to his sister as a gift. She did not care fore the wall because it gave the city a military feel, so she built parks on top of the wall at each of the corners.

1 comment:

Andrew Thompson said...

Congrats! Looks like an awesome trip. Take me with you next time? I'd make an excellent Bag man.