Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day Five

Today we started with the street markets. The markets are all over the city of Florence. There are a lot of great leather goods priced very low. The streets fill up vey quickly, but there are great bargains.

Second stop was the Duomo. A student from New York University in Florence gave us a tour in English.

This is the inside of the dome. Amazing fresco of the final judgment.

Right next door is the Baptistry. These are mosaics inside the dome of the Baptistry.

Here is a close up.

We bought some more paintings. Here is Penni closing the deal.

The view from the river.
The Ponte Vecchio...

Of course there are a lot of famous sculptures here. Since there may be viewers of various ages, this is the only one I could post. Not much clothing in these stone works.

PS . Happy Birthday Uncle Howard!

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