Monday, February 26, 2007

Day Four (Florence)

Ok, day four. We packed out bags and headed to Florence. This first picture is the view from our room in Rome. I took it as we packed. We will be back here on Friday. PS - the people who work at this guest house are amazing. If ever in Rome you must stay here. They are one of the best parts of Rome! (and two blocks from the Colosseum!)

Arrived in Florence. Penni and I just did a lot of walking around. Florence is a smaller city so it is not as crazy. Took today to relax and get to know the city. This is the Duomo (Santa Maria del fiore). We will tour it tomorow.

The tower at the Duomo.

Penni bought a few paintings form this kind man. His name is Sami (Samy). A very talented painter.

Another view of the Duomo. You can see it all over the area near our guest house.

Not a lot of pictures today. We really took it easy and eat two very amazing meals. The food here is beyond discription. Cheese and pure olive oil, oh my it really does not compare to what we buy at the local store. It is the most fantastic food in the world. Florence is in the heart of Tuscany and the countryside was better than all of the pictures you may have seen. Vinyards and olive groves everywhere. We do not have an internet connection in the room here so the pictures may take a little longer to be posted. There is an internet cafe about three doors down from us so it is not a big problem. Much more tomorrow.

Until then, ciao.

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