Friday, February 23, 2007

Day One in Rome

Well we survived the flight. Oh goodness that is a long flight. Penni and I are never able to sleep on the plane so after the first day we are wiped out. Totally unexpected event happened on the way from the airport in Rome to our guest house; we ran over a porcupine. First of all I did not know porcupines lived in Italy and second I did not realize that they had such disregard for the dangers of Roman traffic habits. Our shuttle driver was very upset by the whole ordeal. Although, after only one day in Rome Penni and I both almost became that poor porcupine. They drive crazy here. Worse than they drive in Mexico which is amazing in itself.

Ok on to the first pictures.
I know all of you are just waiting for a picture of the
Roman Colosseum so here it is. It is two blocks from our guest house.

Ok, check out this cool door. I know not all that impressive right. Just an old door.

But look at it with Penni standing in front of it for perspective. Now that is a massive door.

A few more pictures i will add text to when my brain is working better.


Michelle said...

I am so jealous!! Looks amazing! Can't wait to go there when we both have more vacation time saved up. Rico and I are going to Mexico for a few days in May. Maybe we can hit Italy in September or October!! Be careful...Michelle

Unknown said...

Why did they need such big doors? Or am just not realizing the size of ancient Romans?