Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day Two in Rome

Well friends, the first part of today we were not allowed to take pictures. It was a tour under St. Peter's Basilica called "Scavi." The necropolis is like an underground city for the dead, complete with streets and building fronts. It is also where St. Peter was buried. The tour takes you right to the spot. Unfortunately you can not take pictures down there. It is extremely cool though.

Ok, so we can't show you the inside, but here we are in front of St. Peter's.

Self Portrait. (look close)

Vatican City. That is St. Peter's in the top left.

Castle Saint Angelo.

One of many great statues in the castle.
Victor Emmanuel Monument.

Cell where St. Peter was held. You can see the column that he was chained to. This picture is with a flash, but know that it is extremely dark down there. In the floor (bottom left) is the well that sprang up for Peter to drink. Also notice the upside-down cross.

The Roman Forum.

Museum on Capital Hill.

Night shot of the Colosseum.

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